UBC’s Precision Medicine in Transplantation Research Excellence cluster draws together leading researchers in the field to advance expertise in laboratory, clinical and therapeutic aspects of both solid organ and stem cell transplantation.

Our next event will be a two-day symposium held on 12-13 December 2022 in Vancouver. The symposium will highlight the most recent research and technological advances in Precision Medicine in Transplantation and it is expected to draw together approximately 100 scientists for in-person participation. Virtual attendance option will also be available. Please save the dates in your calendar!
The in-person symposium is by invitation-only and it is designed for the leading and emerging national and international experts to discuss basic research discoveries, clinical work, technology advancement, new diagnostics methodology, ethics, education and knowledge translation in the field of precision medicine in transplantation. Representatives from industry, government and non-profits will be also invited. The goal of the symposium is to provide the speakers and the participants opportunities for knowledge transfer, skills improvement, mentorship and networking while strengthening the spirit of scientific support and collaboration. Interested public – students, patients, interested researchers from other fields – will be invited to participate in the symposium via an online platform.
Session topics will focus on:
- Immune Monitoring
- Epitope Biology
- Clinical Outcomes
- Immune Health and Dysfunction
- Clinical Trials/Therapeutics
- Advanced Technology
- Industry Highlights
Interested speakers can submit talk suggestions to the above sessions by October 10, 2022. Please contact Sari Nobell at precision.transplantation@ubc.ca with your topic suggestion.
Registration for the event will open early October. Please see our future emails or check https://precisiontransplantation.ubc.ca/ for updates. The event is free of charge for the invited in-person participants, and available for free online participation for media and the public. We have set aside $10.000 for ECR travel awards for in-person attendance, more information on how to apply will be available once the registration opens.
Industry partners are limited to two in-person registrations per company. By becoming a sponsor of the event, it is possible to register more in-person participants and have more visibility to the symposium delegates.
If your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor for the event, please see the information sheet for sponsorship opportunities available, visit our website https://precisiontransplantation.ubc.ca/ for updates on the symposium arrangements and connect with Sari Nobell at precision.transplantation@ubc.ca for details.
Looking forward to seeing you in Vancouver in December!
More information will be available soon! precision.transplantation@ubc.ca https://precisiontransplantation.ubc.ca
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